Co-laboratory Activity
Jóvenes MCTM. Convocatoria 2016-2017
From September 12 to October 14, 2016
Days and times:
Alternate Thursdays, 6pm to 8pm
First session: 16 October 2014 -
Information and enrolment:
From 12 september 2016
If you are interested in art and culture and would like to become closely familiar with the Museum, please send us an e-mail offering to join this young people’s group.
Application opens on 10 September 2014.
952 217 511 / -
Young people aged between 18 and 26.
The Young MCTM group began with the experimental radio workshop: in 2013, a group of young people from this workshop decided to collaborate in a continuous manner and from the starting point of their close relationship with the Museum’s departments, developing critical and creative projects aimed at different sectors of the public.